5269 Lewiston Road
Lewiston, NY 14092

phone number

(716) 284-8273

Sacred Heart Villa will be CLOSED November 18, 2022, due to winter storm.    

2024-2025 School Year 

Quick Links

Registration 2025-2026
Sacred Heart Villa School is still accepting registration grades Pre-K • 
Kindergarten to 4th
To schedule a Tour/Registration please
call 285-9257 School     284-8273 Convent
E-mail: shvillaschool@gmail.com

Visit the Student Medical Forms page to get the latest information and required forms for​ a​ll new entrants and students in grades Pre-K or K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 & 11  

Shop School Uniforms at
French Toast.com

For more information about uniform requirements at Sacred Heart Villa School, visit our Uniforms page.